select INITCAP('sample initcap') from dual
result: Sample Initcap
By using '[[:alpha:]]' with regular expressions it is possible to findalphabetic characters. By adding {3} at the end we limit the length of matchingalphabetic characters.
Select * from test_table where REGEXP_LIKE(test_column, '[[:alpha:]]');Select * from test_table where REGEXP_LIKE(test_column, '[[:alpha:]]{3}');
By using '[[:alnum:]]' with regular expressions it is possible to find
alphanumeric characters.By adding {3} at the end we limit the length of
matching alphanumeric characters.
Select * from test_table where REGEXP_LIKE(test_column, '[[:alnum:]]');
Select * from test_table where REGEXP_LIKE(test_column, '[[:alnum:]]{3}');